
Search Types

We are able to search virtually any type of location your item might have been lost in including lawns, parks, playgrounds, beaches, lakes, streams, woods, campgrounds, and even the ocean. Our equipment allows us to search these types of terrain including deeper water with SCUBA gear and underwater metal detectors.

“We fully support Local Law Enforcement and are willing to assist in evidence recovery or provide training to departments on how to use equipment they may have at no cost. We have worked with agencies across the country over the past 40 years and have been able to recover evidence that made a difference in the outcome of a crime.”
Search Locations

Lost items such as jewelry, keys, cellphones, coins, caches (estates), and iron items such as survey markers or underground tanks are just some of the items that we are capable of locating for you and have found for others

Each search is unique and has its own challenges, but we have the experience of having conducted literally 100’s of recoveries over the past 50 years which allows us to overcome whatever hurdles might arise during your specific recovery. While timing is important since items can be found by others especially on public property, we have recovered items lost 40+ years ago and returned them to their owners.

It's extremely rewarding to see how happy people are when we find a piece of jewelry or other items that they thought were lost forever. We are looking forward to help you find your lost valuable!

Cost For My Service

My wife and I work on a reward basis, which means you pay what it’s worth to you and what you can afford to have us find your lost item. There are no hidden fees, simply pay what you can afford after the search efforts are completed. There is a call-out fee that would be charged to cover transportation costs depending on your location and would be agreed upon in advance. We don't do this for the money . . . getting a lost item back to the rightful owner is the most important thing to us!
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